Safe internet for you kids,

Do you want to protect you children from Online dangers such as Pornography, cyberbullying, online predators, sexting and drugs?…We can help you with our Exclusive Teenagerproof® Technology. Check out our site, here is The Link...

When children view Pornography

Safe Outlook has released version 3.0. If you are still using version 2.9, update to 3.0 and let us know what you think by March 31, 2012. If you do, you will receive a free year’s subscription for one computer.Also If you would like to get it for the first time, we are offering FREE trials!. See how easy and effective it is to keep your children and teens safe from online dangers such as Pornography, cyberbullying, online predators, sexting and drugs.

Check out our website at:  — I’m and intern for Safe Outlook, if you are interested on the FREE trials or the 3.0 version contact me at

Cyberbullying, Pornography, Online predators and other Online Dangers!

Hello Parents!!, This is my second post of the day. I just want to let you know that we are giving free trials for our Computer Parenting software. You could tried it out and see how easy and effective it is to keep your children and teens safe from online dangers such as Pornography, cyberbullying, online predators, sexting and drugs. Check out our website at:  — I’m and intern for Safe Outlook, if you are interested on the FREE trials contact me at

Children and Pornography

Hi Parents, Pornography has become increasingly accessible on the Internet and it could directly impact your kids or teen’s healthy sexual development. So if you would like to make the internet a safer place for your children, check out our website at:  — I’m and intern for Safe Outlook, for more detail info such as free trials contact me at

Worried about Pornography?

Hello Parents,

Its me again trying to make the internet a safer place. As i said before I am doing and internship with Safe Outlook and I have made a video about the product- Computer Parenting. There you will finally get to know who I am and find out how easy it is to use this internet safety software. First! check out the Computer Parenting Site, here is THE LINK. Second! watch the video on how to use the software. Thanks =)..

Worried about Pornography?

Hello Parents,

Its me again trying to make the internet a safer place. As i said before I am doing and internship with Safe Outlook and I have made a video about the product- Computer Parenting. There you will finally get to know who I am and find out how easy it is to use this internet safety software. First! check out the Computer Parenting Site, here is THE LINK. Second! watch the video on how to use the software. Thanks =)..

Worried about Pornography?

Hello Parents,

Its me again trying to make the internet a safer place. As i said before I am doing and internship with Safe Outlook and I have made a video about the product- Computer Parenting. There you will finally get to know who I am and find out how easy it is to use this internet safety software. First! check out the Computer Parenting Site, here is THE LINK. Second! watch the video on how to use the software. Thanks =)..

Lets Make the Internet a safer place!

Hi Parents, would you like to make the Internet a safer place? As you know, I am doing an internship with Safe Outlook CO. They provide online safety software called Computer Parenting. This product will help you keep your children and adolescents safe from online dangers such as pornography, cyberbulling, sexting, online predators and drugs. This way you can ensure their positive development and healthy lifestyle. Check out their website here is THE LINK if you would like more detail information contact me at Thanks.

When children view pornography

No healthy parent wants to think about his child viewing pornography, but it often happens. Before the days of the Internet, children were typically between the ages of 11 to 13 when they began by viewing soft-core pornography found in magazines like Playboy. Today’s child lives in a culture where hard-core pornography abounds. Our children are being seduced daily, and we need to bear this fact in mind whenever we have the occasion to redirect them away from pornography. It is also extremely important that parents not direct all their efforts toward their sons at the expense of their daughters. Pornography and other sexualized media can adversely affect girls as well as boys and often leads to significant damage in their ability to form healthy relationships as an adult.  (From… If you want to keep you family safe online you will be interested in this internet safety software called computer parenting, check out their website at and let me know what you think..

Children and the Internet

Hello Parents, this is just another post about online safety…how safe do you think your children are online?… do they use the internet while you are not home?… if this is the case I know that an internet safety software will help you keep them safe while they surf the web. If you are interested, check out Computer Parenting (it is a web based parental control package) … here is The Link … if you do visit their website, leave me a comment, tell me what you think…. I will answer =)
